Holland Lops are the foundation of my rabbitry. They are extremely curious and outgoing. Holland lops are the most smallest of the lop eared breed. They commonly get mistaken with mini lops, who are ironically almost twice the size as holland lops. Hollands do range from 2.5-4 pounds when fully matured. Occasionally holland lops can produce a "false dwarf" meaning that they can weigh as much as 5 pounds. This breed is the most popular, especially with families with children. They are easy to handle, require minimum amount of grooming, and have the sweetest personalities.
Buck- Black & Orange Tri
Manhattan is my icon of the fluffle. He is the perfect image of a true dwarf with the most perfect personality. Co-starring in Easter family portraits is his specialty.
⭐️Ranked #1 most photogenic
Buck- VM Black & Orange Harlequin
Harl is super spunky and full of energy. He is very compact and just overall stunning.
⭐️Ranked #1 as the most handsome
Buck- Heavy VM Black (Chocolate Carrier)
Sweet & spunky are the first words that come to mind to describe my handsome boy, Cognac. He is the first to greet us everyday with excited binky dances and kisses.
⭐️Ranked #1 most enthusiastic
Buck- VM Chocolate Harlequin
Buck- Heavy VM Lilac Harlequin
**Photo by CJ Lee**
Doe- VM Broken Orange (Chocolate Carrier)
Lumi has a special place in my rabbitry as she is the first introduced to MBB. She is super laid back and one of my sweetest girls. One of the most fabulous producers.
Doe- Heavy VM Blue
Doe- VC Chocolate Harlequin
Doe- Sable Chinchilla VC
Baileys is my old soul bun but very young at heart. One of the most loving true dwarf. She produces the most gentle & blocky babies.
⭐️Ranked #1 as the sweetest holland
Doe- WE VM Black & Orange Harlequin
Mai Tai is one of my most exquisite home growns. She is my only White Ear holland and out produces herself every time.
Doe- WE VM Black Tort
Doe- Chocolate VC
Franny is another one of my best home growns. She is a super petite and compact true dwarf, always digging holes to flop into.
⭐️Ranked #1 as the best holland nest maker
Doe- VM Black Sable Magpie
Starlie is such a beauty, and she knows it! She loves her afternoon fresh greens and forages, always returning the favor with kisses.
Doe- Heavy VM Black & Orange Harlequin
Doe- Heavy VM Chocolate
Doe- Chocolate Magpie VC
Mini Plush Lops are super unique and more rare to come by! They have the softest velvet-like fur and range between 2.5-4 pounds when fully matured. This breed is very popular due to the fact that they are considered hypoallergenic in the bunny world, with very little shedding and low dander. (Plushies do molt their coats 2-3 times a year as any other breed.) They are incredibly sweet and super easy to care for with super minimal grooming. Plushies are the best fit for families who are allergic and want to avoid the excessive shedding and upkeep!
Buck- Chocolate
Bear is an absolute sweetheart and always the first to beg for attention. His rich chocolate plush coat is a dream.
⭐️Ranked #1 as the sweetest MPL
Doe-VC Booted Orange (Chocolate Carrier)
Bambi is our beautiful and compact bright orange plush. She has a spunky and fun personality, and produces some gorgeous babies.
⭐️Ranked #1 as the most messiest MPL
Doe- Chocolate Otter VC
Doe- Lilac Chinchilla VC
Everyone needs a friend with all ears right? Even though they don't have much to say, they sure are full of character. These guys (and gals) will always bring a smile to your face at the end of the day. E-Lops are the second largest lop breed (followed by French Lops) with a maximum weight of 8-14 pounds when fully matured! They are known for their extremely long & floppy ears which makes one of their extraordinary features. They are extremely laid back couch potatoes. However, they are an advanced breed and do require more space & ear care.
Buck- VM Black Tortoiseshell
⭐️Ranked #1 as the sweetest Elop
Buck- VM Blue
Doe- Blue Eyed White
⭐️Ranked #1 as the most messiest Elop
Doe- VC Blue Cream Harlequin
Doe- VM Blue Tort
Doe- WE VM Blue Tort